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Cambridge Tree Locator: B

Links in the third column are to maps displaying tree locations. Links in brackets are to  Multimap ; normal links are to specific Cambridge tree maps, the second column containing the abbreviation(s) used for the tree on the map.

Betula nigra  (River Birch) A street tree about midway along the S side of Akeman Street, New Chesterton, [map]; a larger tree on the W side of Coleridge recreation ground [map]
Betula papyrifera  (Paper-bark Birch)PBTwo trees in Sussex Place in the City Centre; several mixed in with Silver Birches at the N edge of Christ's Pieces
Betula pendula  (Silver Birch) A very common street and garden tree. One of the larger ones stands midway along Holbrook Road [map]; the squat weeping form ‘Youngii’ is common in gardens, e.g. at the junction of Harvey Goodwin Avenue and Stretten Avenue [map]; the cut-leaved form ‘Laciniata’ is also quite common; there are several at the top end of Sherlock Road [map]; the fastigiate trees in St Matthew's Street behind the Crown Court are probably ‘Obelisk’ [map]; there is a ‘Purpurea’ at the entrance to Bailey Mews in Auckland Road [map]
Betula pubescens  (Downy Birch)DoBMany trees show intermediate features with Silver Birch (as the two species hybridize freely); the two trees on each of the north and south sides of Fen Causeway where it crosses Sheep's Green are clearly not Silver Birches and may perhaps be pure Downy Birches
Betula utilis  (Himalayan Birch)HBSeveral in the City Centre including one outside the Round Church; there are also several along the S edge of Mill Road Cemetery
Buxus sempervirens  (Box)BxThere are a number hidden around in dark corners, including a small tree at the W corner of Alexandra Gardens

















Copyright © 2007 Philip Brassett