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Cambridge Tree Locator: Ai-Ar

Links in the third column are to maps displaying tree locations. Links in brackets are to  Multimap ; normal links are to specific Cambridge tree maps, the second column containing the abbreviation(s) used for the tree on the map.

Ailanthus altissima  (Tree of Heaven)THA commonly-planted tree, and sometimes an invasive weed. There is a tall tree in All Souls Churchyard in the City Centre, and another in Eltisley Avenue, Newnham [map]; there are four large trees in the cut-off section of Chesterton Road [map], and several trees beside the council depot on the NW side of the Mill Road railway bridge [map]
Albizia julibrissin  (Pink Siris) A single small tree in a front garden on the E side of King's Hedges Road, 50m N of the junction with Ramsden Square [map]
Alnus cordata  (Italian Alder)IAA common street and amenity tree: there is a row of fairly large trees at the NE corner of Lammas Land; the largest trees are probably the five on Cockerell Road in Arbury [map]; St Bede's Crescent also has many mature trees [map]
Alnus glutinosa  (Common Alder)AlSeveral on Sheep's Green, including a group across the mill stream from the paddling pool on Lammas Land; there is a tiny sapling of the feathery ‘Laciniata’ form beside the paddling pool on Lammas Land and, rather surprisingly, a much larger ‘Laciniata’ on the W side of Greystoke Road 50m S of the junction with Cherry Hinton Road [map]
Alnus incana  (Grey Alder)GSeveral near the toilets at the S corner of Parker's Piece
Amelanchier lamarckii  (Snowy Mespil) A common street tree: older trees may be found in Redfern Close, Arbury [map] and in Long Reach Road, Chesterton [map]
Aralia elata  (Japanese Angelica Tree)JAA small tree tucked away in Holy Trinity Churchyard in the City Centre; also an unkempt specimen on the SE corner of the junction of Newmarket Road and Coldham's Lane [map]
Araucaria araucana  (Monkey Puzzle) Young trees are fairly common in gardens. There is an older female tree by Springfield Terrace in New Chesterton [map] and a fine male and female pair on the W side of Cambridge Road, Histon, just S of Highfield Road [map]
Arbutus unedo  (Strawberry Tree) Fairly common, but not obvious except when fruiting. Several trees peep over the wall of Magdalen College on the SE corner of the junction of Bridge Street and Chesterton Lane [map]; there is also a tree just inside Jesus College grounds about 50m N of the Four Lamps roundabout on the W side of Victoria Avenue [map]

















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