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Cambridge Tree Locator: G-I

Links in the third column are to maps displaying tree locations. Links in brackets are to  Multimap ; normal links are to specific Cambridge tree maps, the second column containing the abbreviation(s) used for the tree on the map.

Genista aetnensis  (Mount Etna Broom)BrA clump on Riverside just the other side of Elizabeth Way bridge from Midsummer Common
Ginkgo biloba  (Maidenhair Tree)GiA notably pollution-tolerant species suspiciously popular as a street tree in Cambridge: there is one in front of Lloyds Bank where Hobson Street joins St Andrews Street in the City Centre; there are two towards the NE corner of Christ's Pieces and several along Mill Road Broadway (beyond the railway bridge) [map]
Gleditsia triacanthos  (Honey Locust) The spined type tree is uncommon, although there appears to be a small type tree behind the Chemistry Department in Union Road [map]; there are four large spineless (f.inermis) trees on the W side of Ridley Hall Road [map]; a few gardens have the yellow ‘Sunburst’ form - there is one on the S side of Thornton Road in Girton [map]
Hippophae rhamnoides  (Sea Buckthorn) Struggles in Cambridge to become a tree, unlike on the cliffs at Cromer: there is one 200m up Hurst Park Avenue on the W side [map], and another on Gazelle Way in Cherry Hinton near the N junction with Eland Way [map]
Ilex x altaclarensis  (Highclere Holly)HHThere are three trees of unknown cultivar on the N bank of the Cam across from Jesus Green
Ilex aquifolium  (Common Holly)H VHCommon everywhere, though usually bushy: there is a medium-sized tree at the back of St Clement's beside Portugal Place in the City Centre; Alexandra Gardens also has some small variegated f.argenteomarginata trees

















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