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Cambridge Tree Locator: Ab-Ae

Links in the third column are to maps displaying tree locations. Links in brackets are to  Multimap ; normal links are to specific Cambridge tree maps, the second column containing the abbreviation(s) used for the tree on the map.

Abies grandis  (Grand Fir) Cambridge is too dry and chalky for firs to grow well; however there are several Grand Firs around, including four on the edge of the fenced-off ground by Cameron Road, Arbury [map]
Acacia dealbata  (Mimosa) A large tree on the W corner of the junction of Milton Road and King's Hedges Road [map]; another on the NW corner of the junction of De Freville Road and Hamilton Road [map]
Acer campestre  (Field Maple) A common hedgerow tree; I am not aware of any particularly fine trees, although there are apparently some veteran trees bordering Cherry Hinton Recreation Ground [map]
Acer capillipes  (Red Snake-bark Maple) There are a few small snake-barks in front gardens; recently several have been planted off Milton Road, with a Red Snake-bark in Chesterfield Road outside St George's Church [map], and others in the immediate neighbourhood including an Amur Maple (A.tataricum var.ginnala) and possibly a couple of Moosewood (A.pensylvanicum)
Acer cappadocicum  (Cappadocian Maple) A youngish tree in Magdalene College on Bridge Street to the north of the City Centre; another on the W side of the Green Dragon footbridge in Chesterton, on the N bank of the Cam [map]
Acer griseum  (Paper-bark Maple) A small tree by the river at the junction of Riverside and Priory Road [map]
Acer negundo  (Box Elder) Youngish trees are fairly common, e.g. on the E side of Histon Road by the St Luke's School footpath [map]
Acer palmatum  (Smooth Japanese)JMSmall trees are quite frequent in gardens
Acer platanoides  (Norway Maple)NM ND Np NMCA common tree; the type, its variegated cultivar ‘Drummondii’, and its purple form are all to be found on Lammas Land. There is a fastigiate ‘Columnare’ outside St.Andrew the Great in the City Centre
Acer pseudoplatanus  (Sycamore) Frequent (and usually scruffy): a fine mature tree leans out from the Botanic Gardens onto Trumpington Road [map]; there is also a beautifully situated mature tree in front of St Luke's Church at the junction of Victoria Road and Harvey Goodwin Avenue [map]
Acer rubrum  (Red Maple) A single young tree in the garden by the SE corner of the junction of Adams Road and Sylvester Road [map]
Acer saccharinum  (Silver Maple)SM CSMA popular street tree, e.g. on Park Street in the City Centre opposite the car park entrance; in Borrowdale just off Histon Road [map]; and also around the perimeter of Mount Pleasant House at the top of Castle Hill [map]. There are three examples of the cut-leaved form (f.laciniatum) at the SE corner of Lammas Land
Aesculus x carnea  (Red Horse Chestnut)RHCOutnumbered by the ordinary horse chestnut; larger examples include three trees in the centre of Christ's Pieces and two on the N bank of the Cam across from Jesus Green
Aesculus hippocastaneum  (Horse Chestnut)HCThe mature tree outside King's College Chapel in the City Centre is Cambridge's most photographed tree; a fine avenue of much more accessible trees on Jesus Green and Midsummer Common flanks Victoria Avenue
Aesculus indica  (Indian Horse Chestnut)IHCJust the one sapling in the middle of Christ's Pieces. There is a row of young trees outside the Waitrose car park in Bray's Lane, Ely [map]

















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